If you would like to add or remove proxies from your existing packages, you can conveniently process them through your proxy dashboard. 



  1. Login to your IPv4 Proxy Dashboard
  2. Click to expand IPv4 Proxies
  3. Select 'Upgrade/Downgrade' in the options or click UPGRADE YOUR PLAN if you are on your IPv4 Proxy Dashboard

        4. In the upgrade box, put in the total number of proxies that you would like to have. For example, if you currently have 100 proxies, put in 200 if you wish to add 100 more. Click 'Upgrade' to proceed

5. The system will generate your upgrade invoice. The proxies will be ready once payment is processed.



  1. Follow the first 3 steps in the Upgrade instructions above.
  2. Once inside the 'Upgrade/Downgrade' section, put in the total number of proxies that you would like to keep in the downgrade box. For example, if you currently have 100 proxies and would like to keep just 50, enter 50 in the downgrade box and click 'Downgrade'.
  3. You will be given the option of which proxies to keep after the downgrade process is complete. If you wish to proceed:
    • Enter the list of IPs as directed. This should include the IP only, and should not include the port number. 
    • NOTE: If you leave this field blank, then IPs will be randomly selected for removal from your account.
  4. Click 'Downgrade' to proceed. 

Note: Downgrades are processed at the end of the package's billing cycle. The system requires a minimum package of 5 proxies. The system will not be able to process downgrade requests of anything below the minimum package.