
You should have the following installed:

  • Latest Firefox version

You should download the custom certificate:

How to use Proxy Pilot in Firefox

NOTE OF CAUTION: By following the instructions below you are essentially allowing our server to read the pages that you visit. This is dangerous if you intend to use your browser for normal activity like using your bank account. Please only proceed if you intend to use our certificate with your proxy activities such as web scraping - DO NOT use it for personal use!

In Firefox you can import your certificate by following these steps:

  1. Settings → Privacy & Security → "View certificates" → "import"

  2. Select the CA.pem file that you saved earlier

  3. check the checkbox "Trust this to identify websites" → 'OK'

  4. Click ‘OK'

Then you need to specify your browser to use the PM proxy server:

  1. Settings → General → Network Settings → “Settings”

  2. Manual proxy settings


  4. Select "Also use this proxy for FTP and HTTPS"

  5. Click “OK”

Visit When the browser asks for login and password, enter:

  • login: PROXY_LOGIN
  • password: PROXY_PASS